Ok readers you are going to have to base with me as I try to recall what was used in these catch up posts. Please forgive me if I have forgotten any colors!
First up is Emily de Molly Absent Minded. It is no secret my sear readers that I am obsessednwith every single one of her polishes. In fact I own more off her stuff than I do China Glaze or Zoya or the like. This point!ish is no exception. I mean just look at it! The subtle blue glitter accents the purple nicely and the copper is just to die for. It is worth the pain of removing to wear her fabulous glitters. For those unfamiliar with her, she is based in Australia and unfortunately does not do international shipping. If you want to get ahold of her stuff you are going to need to check your local stockist. Her website has a list of stockists she works with, but heads up, she just had a baby and isn't doing polish stuff at the moment.
This is Sally Hansen Color Foil in Cobalt Chrome with China Glaze Fairy Dust as a topper. I love the color but am concerned about the polish itself. It was really slick and I had trouble just getting a coat to stay on my nails. I has to try and goop it on which left it looking not so smooth, hence the glitter topper. I would need to try again with a different base coat because I haven't really heard of others having the same issue as me. I used Orly Bonder as my base coat.
These two are both Nerd Lacquer polishes. The orange is Regeneration and the grey is Don't Blink. If you can't tell by the name, they are Doctor Who themed polishes. Both went on nicely and were gorgeous to stare at for hours on end as I sat in lecture haha. No I was actually paying attention but at home I got distracted by them for sure. Her stuff is really hard to find as she seems to have gone mia again so you have to find people who are selling their bottles and her stuff is so well loved that prices can be a bit higher then I would typically like. These two were well worth it to me but I probably won't be forking out more money for more of her stuff anytime soon.
Ok readers you are going to have to base with me as I try to recall what was used in these catch up posts. Please forgive me if I have forgotten any colors!
First up is Emily de Molly Absent Minded. It is no secret my sear readers that I am obsessednwith every single one of her polishes. In fact I own more off her stuff than I do China Glaze or Zoya or the like. This point!ish is no exception. I mean just look at it! The subtle blue glitter accents the purple nicely and the copper is just to die for. It is worth the pain of removing to wear her fabulous glitters. For those unfamiliar with her, she is based in Australia and unfortunately does not do international shipping. If you want to get ahold of her stuff you are going to need to check your local stockist. Her website has a list of stockists she works with, but heads up, she just had a baby and isn't doing polish stuff at the moment.
This is Sally Hansen Color Foil in Cobalt Chrome with China Glaze Fairy Dust as a topper. I love the color but am concerned about the polish itself. It was really slick and I had trouble just getting a coat to stay on my nails. I has to try and goop it on which left it looking not so smooth, hence the glitter topper. I would need to try again with a different base coat because I haven't really heard of others having the same issue as me. I used Orly Bonder as my base coat.
These two are both Nerd Lacquer polishes. The orange is Regeneration and the grey is Don't Blink. If you can't tell by the name, they are Doctor Who themed polishes. Both went on nicely and were gorgeous to stare at for hours on end as I sat in lecture haha. No I was actually paying attention but at home I got distracted by them for sure. Her stuff is really hard to find as she seems to have gone mia again so you have to find people who are selling their bottles and her stuff is so well loved that prices can be a bit higher then I would typically like. These two were well worth it to me but I probably won't be forking out more money for more of her stuff anytime soon.
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